Aug 22 City Council Meeting

Wow!  I just got back from the City Council ‘pre-meeting’.  I saw over 100 unhappy people there.  Mr. Grimes (North Canton Director of Administration) started the meeting with a presentation to the Council.  Afterward, several residents spoke about their experiences and frustrations concerning flooding / sewer backups and the recent flooding in particular.

I picked up several interesting tidbits and ideas and will try to put them in a readable form over the next several days and share them with you.  I’ll also work on getting a meeting transcript posted here.

The overriding themes at the meeting seemed to be that “the city has a problem, and has known about it for a long time”, “the problem is getting worse”, “a multi-jurisdictional effort is going to be required to deal with the problem” and “it’s going to take time and money to fix it”.

…more later…




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